Gold and Silver Buyer in Delhi, Noida, Gurgaon +91-9999821722, 9999333245

Sunday 8 December 2019

How German Karatmeter Is The Perfect Technology To Determine The Purity Of Metal?

What is a Metal Detector? Is it same what we see on the television when it comes to finding hidden jewels? No, Karatmeter is slightly different than what you actually predict for. For over generations, the custom of selling old gold or any jewelry piece with heavy metal has done over the course of breaking them and testing, but because of the modern technologies, we have come up with restoring the valuable pieces.

The technologies are certified internationally and used by many Indian international firms. This is one of the easiest systems to find out the real deal in cases of expensive valuables. There is no way your valuable will then cut into pieces and melt them down for measuring their worth.

For generations, Gold always has sentimental value for the one who belonged it. As well as they preserved them for a future dependence. This does not only happen for Indians but for people all over the world and still continuing the process. This valuable piece can be easily cashed out whenever necessary as the price hardly seem to drop but only rises. Therefore, the common procedure held to cut a small piece of the metal form the body of the jewelry and melt them down to find the purity of the item. But at the present day, we do not cut or melts the valuables down into ashes. We provide a non-destructive XRF method, which was made to find the quality and purity measurements.

The prior knowledge of this equipment was hosted by only the large Gold selling companies to gain the trust of the customers, and we follow the same footsteps. But along with Indian technologies Cash for Gold & Silverkings also use our German Karatmeter; this X-Ray machine was designed to develop the overall cost of your item.

These are known as quantum equipment and are very well versed with most of the Asian and Middle Eastern Countries. Moreover, this equipment precisely determines the composition of the jewelry piece and what are the alloys it is made up with. So now onwards you do not have to worry about your valuable being cut out, Contact gold buyer in India we take full responsibility that you will be satisfied with our service.

Gold Buyer

Also, read this blog: Silver Loan Settlement in Noida, Delhi & Gurgaon/Gurugram

Wednesday 30 October 2019

Get Amazing Prices For Selling Old Silver

 How do you know what will be the price for your old silver? You may have kept your old valuables safely for so many days, but now is the time to sell old items at the price with more profit. But how to do it in the first place? An easy way to find how worth is your precious item is by checking them with a verified place. This will give you a gist on how much you can profit. More importantly, for a verified purchase always take an invoice from the seller and to have more than the exact amount carry the same invoice while trading them further.

While comparing with other marketers, you will find that most of the bullion dealers offer about 80% of the spot price. The important matter here is definitely the market conditions. But if you are to sell in bulk, then wait for the buyer who is in short supply or someone who seems interested in the items you brought in. So it all depends on the buyers who appreciated precious metals. Make sure, you do not fall prey to the pawnshops who will provide the lowest return, sometimes even lower than your actual value.

How To Attain A Fair Price For Your Old Silver?

Know the kind of the jewelry you have, bullion or a coin, these are the types which will contain mostly the purest form of metal. These will give you a clue on how much you can potentially receive on selling your pure white metal. Sterling silver will give a good value but a plated one will actually be considered null. We at silver buyer in Noida do not buy any plated metal over this white metal or even gold. If you want a safe return of your valuables then make sure you have a valid proof and a market to prove that. 

Beside a buyer and a marked item, the market always plays an important role. Silver, however, does not have a significant role in that. The market for such white metal has been clear assumptions for a couple of years and since then it is very hard to trade-in for a profit. But if you want to have a good value I return, then contact us now silver buyer near me.

Thursday 26 September 2019

How To Get The Best Prices On Gold Jewellery?

One clear aim of selling ornaments is getting a handsome amount of denominations or an amount that can be helpful in solving all the problems that we are suffering from. The simple aim should be achieved simply but it becomes tough if we are not careful and if we are unable to find the best place to sell gold and we didn’t think much about how to get the best prices for gold jewelry.

Many people didn’t know why we are successful they have no idea about why we are the leading second-hand gold buyer. They didn’t know that the way of working with honesty in the heart and mind of each and every professional of cash for gold and the transparency in the working procedure that gains the customer faith and this faith gives us the success. The regular visit of clients to our outlets is very common and we are proud to say every day we had a number of new sellers that data defines our success and determination of work. Sell gold near me in Gurgaon, Delhi and Noida.

Cash for Gold

Premier Prices Are Provided In Return

The reserves given by us can never be defeated by others as we dig out the highest possible number of banknotes for your precious jewelry. In this offer, there is a big support of our experienced team of professionals who are working with determination to provide the customers a satisfactory amount for their ornaments. The technical team has the support of the latest gadgets and technology that makes the work of finding purity and mass easy and less time taking, so they provide the result as well as the quotes in a few minutes.

There can be a little risky if you are trading your precious metal with some jewelers or pawnbrokers because they have some additional charges and their method of testing the articles is classical so can damage your items but as we use the latest and proved techniques that are used and followed all over the world for the same purpose. In dealing with Gold buyer in Gurgaon you don’t have to worry about any of the basic things like security, services, cost, privacy, evaluation, etc, because we are more conscious about your deal to make it profitable for you.

Gold Loan Settlement
Also, read this blog: Where To Sell Gold In Delhi?

Saturday 7 September 2019

Is It Better To Pawn Or Sell Jewelry?

We can explain it very easily even if this question is asked by any common person he or she always tell you to sell your jewelry instead of pledging it and taking cash in exchange because of many reasons both the decisions correct and wrong at different point of view but if it is seen collectively then it will be proved that it is better to sell jewelry in place of pawn. So let us see the points that can support our statement and also help us in deciding what is better.

Amount- the amount you will get in pledging of your jewelry will be about 70 to 80 % of the total cost of your ornaments but at the time of selling you can avail about 100% for your articles and it is also possible that if the company is like cash for gold Gurgaon then it is quite possible that you may earn more than the cost.

Cash for Gold in Gurgaon

Interest- it is also well known that if you pawn your gold you will take the amount on some interest that you have to pay every month that may be a heavy debt on your financial conditions but in selling time you will get a big amount in your hand and you can use it wherever you want to use it and you don’t have to pay any additional charges for it.

Loss- If you are not able to pay the interest they will seize your ornaments and no more cost will be given to you but still your interest will be counted until you pay the principal amount. But here you don’t have to pay any heavy amounts the sold jewelry will not be returned and you don’t have to think to take it back.

Procedure- the pledging of silver is a long procedure and it takes about two to three hours but you can trade your precious metal within some minutes at the office or outlet of best silver buyers.

So you can see how it is better to trade your silver in place of keeping it as security to any other place. If you want to release pledged gold jewelry contact our helpline no 9999821702.
  release pledged gold
Also read this blog: How To Sell Gold And Silver Coins?

Saturday 24 August 2019

How to Sell Gold Bars

Peoples when decide to sell jewelry, sometimes they have only one option and that is to sell pieces of their valuables but most of the time and different financial status increase the options of selling. When it comes to earning people use to buy it in the form of jewelry, bars bullion, coins, etc but they did not have the same value at the time of purchasing or the time selling. When we talk about ornaments it is purchased in different shapes and sizes and due to different attractive designs, we pay different amounts sometimes very high cost for making changes. At the same, the coins have a competitive lower cost due to no making charges but still, taxes are the same. Now the big piece of gold and that is bars yes purchased as an asset, it has its own positive and negative sides.

Selling Your Asset

Cash for Gold in Rohini
In the above paragraph, we had a discussion about the purchasing of different ornaments, coins, and bars made of precious yellow metal but when the time we think to sell gold bars we have to think a lot because that is not so easy to trade them because we don’t get the trusted gold buyers near me. All the jewelers are not so capable of buying a heavy rectangle of the yellow metal because sometimes they are financially week sometimes they feel risky to buy it due to lack of latest gadgets of testing the purity and giving the accurate report. So you will have to face problems if you want to sell gold bars. All this can be eliminated in just one correct selection and that is cash for gold yes we are the leading Gold buyer in Rohini.
No 1 Gold Buyers

Evaluation and Returns

We have the German-made Karat meter that uses XRF technology so the assessment of your rectangular piece will not be a problem and as soon we get the result we will pay you the high funds according to the reports given by the gadget. We assure you the highest number of banknotes in exchange for your precious metal.

So if you are also having some heavy metal piece then come to our company and trade it with us very simply and earns the big mount within minutes.

Also read this blog: How Much Does Cash For Gold Pay?

Tuesday 20 August 2019

We Buy Gold at Great Prices

If you are one of those individuals who make their investment in the form of precious metal such as gold, then you might be interested in knowing where you can exchange the investment that you have made in the form of these valuables into cash instantly.

There are a lot of shops or jewelers who will buy scrap gold online from you some of them do offer fair value for your item but most of them are uncertified and inexperienced in dealing with these items that is why it can prove to be a bit tough to actually find someone who will offer just price for your items especially in the place like Gurgaon where you can easily find a Cash for jewelry near me in every corner of the markets.

Cash for Gold

We have the experienced that is needed for offering fair value for your items since we have been in this industry for decades. You can’t easily find a service like us in the entire market of Gurgaon.

Here Is What You Should Expect When Dealing With Us

First of all, you do not need to feel embarrassed when you are visiting us to sell your old, broken or unwanted jewelry because unlike any conventional pawnbroker or jeweler we give utmost care and respect to each of our deal no matter how big or small metal they are trying to sell.

When we buy scrap gold online from you, we make use of XRF keratometer for evaluation, which allows us to quickly and precisely determine the value of any precious metal. This process is free, so there is no need to worry about losing anything you can even visit us if you want to check the value of your ornament and not sell it.

Aside from this our pick-up service is also completely free and this allows us to provide our clients with the full market value for their item anytime they visit us to sell their beloved valuables to us, we even offer more than that if special festive offers.
Cash for Diamonds

If you are interested in dealing with us, then visit us at Cash for Diamond.

Sunday 11 August 2019

Where To Resale Used And Scrap Jewelry Near Me?

Every person has their own reason to get cash instantly when they are in deep need but there is one thing common in all of us. Every seller demands the best jewelry buyers for their ornaments so, that they could receive good value out of it. If you have no Savings but have an investment of gold. This can surely take you to the correct way in terms of emergencies, but yes you end up with the loss of investment.

When it comes to restarting your business or whatever reason to resale your precious jewelry, if you want to get the greatest value from the purchasers you should look for Cash for Gold company.
Cash for Gold

This business is known for delivering good value to the used or broken ornaments. We’re in the business of 20 years and hold a reputation in the market in the city like Delhi. If you are searching for gilded purchasers then the search is ended here. We are the well-established firm which works on every ornament whether it is cut, broken, second hand or new.

We are one of the finest options in Delhi and we will assure you the details that you never have from anywhere in the market. We are come up with multiple schemes that meet your ends and emergency.

How Do We Evaluate Your Jewelry?

Once you have decided to deal with us we will take your metals for the testing on the German technology Keratometer. We are authentic and old gold buyer in Noida, we maintain the transparency and give our Client real money value to their metals. We read out the exact reading of the purity of your ornaments in front of the customer and make the money in front of them so that they will never feel cheated.

Get Connect With Us

As I said, we are the trusted named in the buyers in Delhi we will provide you countless advantages in dealing with us. We make instant payment with multiple transaction modes as per your requirement we maintain 100% confidence with our customers. If you would like to get more information about our company or our schemes, call us! 9999821702.

Monday 8 July 2019

Sell Silver With The Best Price

Silver is used for making coins, jewelry, and utensils. Silver has some unique properties which make it used for industries. This metal is a good conductor of heat and electricity. It is malleable and can be beaten into thin sheets. It is ductile and can be drawn into thin wires. It has a natural resistance to corrosion and oxidation. It is basically anti-microbial and non-toxic and thus is used in many medicines and consumer products. There are a lot of health benefits when a person consumes food from the utensils made of white metal. After gold, this metal is considered as one of the precious metal. When selling jewelry like this, be prepared with full mind.

Silver Used For Many Purposes

Jewelry gives a special sparkle radiance when used as party wares. White metal tableware gives that special classy look with good appearance. These reasons makes silver the best metal to sell as a jewelry and earn the highest price. When this metal is polished well the light is reflected brilliantly. The alloys of this metal are used by dentists for filling the tooth. It is used as electrical contacts and in batteries. The pure white metal cannot be used and thus a little copper is mixed. 92.5% white metal with 7.5% of copper is used to make jewelry, tableware, and many other decorative items. When polished the luster on this metal gives the elegant look to it. Therefore, sell precious jewelry and get the best price.

Why Is Silver Also Important?

A thin layer of white metal is used for decorating sweets and it is edible too. Thirty percent of white metal is used as silver nitrate in the photographic industry. The paint of this metal is used on electronic printed circuits. The iodide is used for artificial rain-making clouds. It has a lot of medical uses also. People collect this metal mainly to store it as wealth. In times of financial difficulties, it can be sold and got as money. This is a movable property and it is quite affordable than gold. In olden times it was used for making coins. Cash for Silver are the oldest jewelry buyer and also pay the right price at the same time.

This metal is used mainly for its shining property, by people. It has many other uses which make it vulnerable for almost all the industries. The jewelry gives an elegant look for the wearer. The white metal ware gives a rich look when displayed on walls or tables.

Also read this blog: SELL SILVER EASILY WITH US

Saturday 15 June 2019

How to Easily Convert Expensive Gold Jewelry into Cash in Seconds?

When you want to easily convert for your jewelry, they must have the right buyer who could offer instant cash. Most of the buyers offer cheque which has the tendency to get a bounce back, related to fraudulent activity. While getting a good and honest sale, you must have a very transparent business with your jeweler.

Selling gold jewelry might not be very tricky because there are a lot of buyers; they are very excited to get your jewelry, so be prepared because they are excited to pay you less and earn more from you. 

Sell Diamond Ring Online

How to Easily Sell Gold Jewelry?

Sell jewelry of any precious metal is easy through online. When you to wander around the stress of different localities to find the place to drop off your jewelry, it is very tough. But do you know who is the better jewelry buyer near you? Because wondering along the stress might not be very safe with a lot of jewelry. Therefore, look for cash for gold online and also know more about the business.

We are one of the leading Silver Buyer in Delhi NCR in the locality you live right now, i.e. Delhi, Noida, Gurgaon and more than 20 outlets in the entire Delhi NCR. This gives leverage for good accommodation to the jewelry sellers of all the neighborhood of the city. We have been connecting with the sellers over and over for 2 decades. Some of our sellers have been with us since the beginning and thus we run our service for the positive feedback. 

No 1 Gold BuyerWe now strive to offer full satisfaction to our valuable customers where we can offer 15% more of the full payment after the evaluation. If you are really interested, in doing a little chit chat with us, you can contact our executive as we are 24x7 available to answer to you. Our selling procedures take 3-simple steps, and you can read about that too with these.
Cash for Jewelry
For more information about our easy sale, contact us at 9999821722, 9999333245. You can also read this blog to get extra info regards Diamond buyer: How Can I Get the Highest Price of Old Diamond in Delhi?


Friday 24 May 2019

Sell Bullion with the Best Gold Buyer

Selling your precious metal bullion and securing great prices for it is just as difficult as perfectly purchasing it. You must give full attention to the details to successfully sell your precious bullion at the value that deserves for it. There are hundreds of stores both offline and online readily available when it comes to turning your bullion into flat currency, especially in the big city like Delhi, Noida, Gurgaon and Delhi NCR. It is a smart choice to deal with a dealer with strong track records and certifications when you sell bullion. It is common sense that you should never meet with someone unknown in public to sell your precious items unless you want to get robbed at the gunpoint.

If you want to avoid all of these troubles and quickly convert your precious items into fiat currency in the most secure way possible then consider getting in touch with us.

As already mentioned above one of the most secure methods of selling your valuables and getting a good price in return is by selling it to a certified buyer and we are just that. We have been in this for more than decades and are known for our quick are secured facilities.

Gold Loan Settlement

Here we will provide you with some of the best payouts in the most transparent and quickest possible ways. We only make use of a specialized tool which is designed to quickly appraise the metal content of any item without damaging it; this is the reason why we are able to provide you with great returns.

If you want to sell bullion with us you just need to follow some simple and straightforward guidelines which are as follows:

As clearly mentioned above we are a government certified organization hence we are strongly against purchasing any sort of stolen item, which is why it is a must on the seller’s side that he/she brings in the vital document for the testing of ownership.

Also, we do not deal with the minors or anyone below the age of 21, so you must bring in your ID proof along with you. We also provide Gold Loan Settlement and Silver Loan service form loan Provider Company.

Sunday 19 May 2019

We Are the Best Place to Sell Ornaments in Delhi NCR

Are you looking for a reliable and authorized jewelry buyer in Delhi NCR? If yes, there is no need to look any further because we are just the place you are looking for.

With more than 20 outlets in the areas of Delhi, Noida, and Gurgaon and over two decades of experience in dealing with resale service, we are one of the leading jewelry buyers in Delhi.

So, if you live in any of these areas then we are pretty sure you can find one of our outlet near you and if you are looking for a “best place to sell gold near me” then visit our Cash for Gold outlet and we will provide you with the best value on your item.

Unlike other buyers who deduct quite a bit of amount from your major value in exchange of their services our evaluation and other services are completely free and that is what makes us your best pick to sell any type or form of ornaments. We deal in almost every precious metal so there is no need to look any further for the best place to sell gold and silver near me.

Some of our Services are as Follows:

  • For providing you with full market value on your precious valuables we make use of German-based appraisal tools and techniques which allows us to precisely tell the quantity and quality of your items in just a matter of minutes
  • Our services are completely transparent that is the reason behind the trust of our clients
  • Normally it is guaranteed that you will receive full-market value for your items but in the times of a festival we start up special offers where we provide 15 to 20% additional value on the ornaments.
  • We also have a free pick-up facility which you can avail if you live around a 45-kilometer radius from our outlet.
  • You can get in touch with us through the mentioned contacts 24x7.
  • So these are some of the outstanding services we offer to each one of our clients and what else could you possibly ask for in a jewelry resale shop.
Also read this blog: Why Do You Need Cash For Gold Services?

Tuesday 9 April 2019

Why Never To Take a Gold Loan?

Are you in need of urgent cash? Are you thinking to take a loan on your golden or silver jewelry? If you are planning to do so then certainly you aren’t aware of the disadvantages of taking a loan on jewelry. Do you know that the interest rates on such loans are too high? Instead, come to us and sell scrap gold online to us. Secondly, those interest rates are so high that with the day, those convert into compound interest rates. So why would you take a loan if you could pay that much high amount of interest rates every month?

Moreover, in long run, it is not advisable to go such an extent. As there are lots of formalities existing with such loans and none of them are beneficial. These would take you to have a headache of endless norms, terms, and conditions. These loans are too much complicated than normal loans. Who would prefer to avail such loans?

Also, banks will never give you hundred percent of fair value of your gold jewellery. They will only give you 65-70 percent. Then why to bear such unnecessary loss. Lastly, we all know that gold prices are always fluctuating in the market. What if today we take a loan, and tomorrow prices would go high. Then who will bear that loss?

What Services We Will Provide?

  • We will buy gold instantly from the bank to replace your stress. So instead of giving loans, we will purchase your jewelry. Therefore, no need to pay high-interest rates to banks. You will be given money during your urgent need.
  • We are also able to help you sell gold online. You do not have to go anywhere. Sitting at your home, you can solve your cash problems easily. Our team member will come and collect your jewelry from you in an instance.
  • We will give a hundred percent of your jewelry or coins. That means we will be providing the current fair value of your jewelry. Your coins and jewelry will be evaluated fairly.
  • We provide instant cash for gold of any high amount you need. We give instant cash from Cash for Gold in Gurgaon which you can meet your urgent need or requirement.

Also read this blog: Why Cash for Gold Is the Best for Selling Gold, Silver, And Diamond?


Tuesday 19 March 2019

How to Sell Unwanted Gold Jewellery?

Do you have still kept with unwanted gold jewelry? If yes, bring the same to us and get a premier value for it. Not even gold jewelry, bring to us any type or form of silver or platinum jewelry plus diamonds too. You can easily sell unwanted gold jewelry into cash with us. The ultimate fact about dealing with us is that we assess the purity of your metal with certified non-destructive XRF (X-Ray Fluorescence) method. This ensures there is no loss or damage in your article and hence fetch good value.  We continuously strive to maintain 100% customer satisfaction. This is the reason behind our large base of clients which is increasing on a regular basis. You can read the reviews of our recent clients what they feel while dealing with us.
Cash for Gold

Benefits to Clients

Please go through our several benefits provided:
  1. No hidden cost: We do not have any type of hidden cost in our transaction. What we quote is the amount what we give to the clients.  
  2. Hassle free simple process: Our process is very simple that any person can easily understand the same and maintain a good association with us. Our customer care staffs are very friendly and solve each and every query of the persons.
  3. Premier deserving amount: We offer highest possible price to our clients. The price offered is generally 15% extra than the market price.
  4. Easy returns: In case you don’t want to sell further, submit with us a return request. It will be processed automatically and we will take care further for your returns process. We sell jewelry with absolutely free of charge.
  5. Full transparency: There is complete level of transparency in our services. Both the parties made fully informed about their transaction.
  6. 100% secured: Your item with us is 100% secured because it is insured all the time till it is with us. You do not need to worry as it is totally safe with us. We bear the cost of insurance. 
These are not limited, connect us Cash for Silver near me to know more and also contact us at the below mentioned number 9999333245, 9999821722. Cash for Gold also provide home pickup service in all Delhi NCR like Gurgaon, Delhi, Noida, Grater Noida, Ghaziabad and Faridabad.

Cash for Jewelry

Also read this blog: How to Find the Best Gold and Silver Dealer in Delhi NCR?

Thursday 21 February 2019

How to Easily Convert Expensive Gold Jewelry into Cash in Seconds?

When you want to easily convert for your jewelry, they must have the right buyer who could offer instant cash. Most of the buyers offer cheque which has the tendency to get a bounce back, related to fraudulent activity. While getting a good and honest sale, you must have a very transparent business with your jeweler.